Dual Modeling Approach™


dualmodelingGeoHydros takes pride in our comprehensive and consistent approach to modeling for water resource management and environmental site characterizations. We developed and utilize our Dual Modeling Approach™ to link conceptual solids models developed in EarthVision with process models developed in FEFLOW or MODFLOW. This allows us to develop highly accurate conceptual models that are not subject to the limitations of the solids modeling tools packaged with the groundwater modeling programs.
The two fundamental components are the Geologic Framework Model (GFM) and the Groundwater Model (GWM). The purpose of the GFM is to incorporate geologic, hydraulic, contaminant, and structural data into grid-based, visual, and query-able interpretative models of existing conditions. The GWM uses the gridded data exported from the GFM to define the conceptual framework and initial conditions for predictive modeling. We use EarthVision to develop the GFM because it allows for deterministic and/or stochastic methods to model spatial relationships between geologic surfaces, parameter distributions and engineered features. A GWM can then be constructed with a variety of software such as FEFLOW or MODFLOW through the use of grids exported from the GFM.         
There are many benefits of a Dual Modeling Approach™ to groundwater resource management and site characterization efforts. The development of a GFM independently provides for better interpretations of site data, increased access to those interpretations, and the ability to rapidly update model interpretations as new data becomes available. Incorporation of GFM grids into a GWM reduces model development time and provides for better and more rapid model calibrations because model frameworks can embrace more site complexities. We have successfully applied the Dual Modeling Approach™ to numerous site characterization projects including a large tunnel-construction project in New York City and industrial contamination sites in Florida, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, and to a number of groundwater resource management problems in New York, Pennsylvania, and an extensively karstified region of north Florida.

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